2024–2025 Lecture Series
September 25: Lecture by Robert Nyamushosho (Danyale Z. English lecture)
Beyond Great Zimbabwe: Reimagining Early Cities, and the States in Southern Africa
October 24: Lecture by Liana Brent
Ongoing Interactions between the Living and the Dead in Roman Cemeteries
November 25: Lecture by Artemis Georgiou and Anna Georgiadou
Cyprus and the Levant from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age: Commercial and Cultural Connectivity on the Longue Durée
December 4: Lecture by Robert Spengler
Traveling the Ancient Silk Road: Plants and Animals on the Trans-Eurasian Exchange Routes
January 29: Lecture by Lawrence Waldron (Queens College)
Towards an Art Historicization of Pre-Columbian Caribbean Archaeology
February 26: Lecture by Justin Walsh (Chapman University)
The Past of the Future / The Future of the Past: Stories from the Archaeology of a Space Station
2023–2024 Lecture Series
September 22: Lecture by Peter van Dommelen
Between Giant Statues and Indigenous Landscapes: Mont’e Prama and Iron Age Sardinia within the Wider Mediterranean
October 11: Lecture by Amanda Sutphin
Buried Beneath the City: An Archaeological History of New York
(POSTPONED) November 9: Lecture by Brian Daniels
Cultural Heritage and War:What Can Be Done
November 16: Lecture by Maragita Gleba
Ways of Making Textiles in Early Italy: Archaeology of Lost Economies
December 14: Lecture by John Soderberg
Gathering Animals and Making Sacred Space in early Medieval Ireland
January 24: Lecture by Joel Palka
Ecological Aquaculture and Domesticated Waterscapes in Ancestral Maya Society, Subsistence, and Art in Chiapas, Mexico: Comparative Perspectives
February 8: Lecture by Andrew Donnelly
Dining on the Deep Blue Sea: Food, Sailors, and Mediterranean Labor
March 6: Lecture by Marian Feldman
Remembering and Forgetting in Ancient Mesopotamia: Ziggurats, Royal Sculpture, and the Shaping of the Akkadian Empire during the Ur III Period (c. 2100-2000 BCE)
April 18: Lecture by Anastasia Dakouri-Hild
From Myth to Polis: Deciphering the Cultural Life of Ancient Aphidna Using Multi Modal Landscape Analysis
2022–2023 Lecture Series
September 22: Lecture by Timothy Pugh
Ballcourts at Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Guatemala
October 13: Lecture by Allison L.C. Emmerson
Life and Death in the Roman Suburb
November 9: Lecture by Michael Cosmopoulos
Digging the Iliad: The Mycenaean Capital at Iklaina
December 12: Lecture by Alicia Jiménez
The Early Roman Empire in the West: New Excavations at the Roman Camps Near Numantia (Renieblas, Spain, 2nd–1st c. BCE)
January 23: Lecture by Tekla Schmaus
Reconcieving the Nomad: Tropes, Archaeological Reality, and Why It Matters
February 9: Lecture by Laetitia La Follette
Archaeological Adventures in Rome
February 16: Lecture by José Iriarte
The Painted Forest: The Rock Art of the Serrania de la Lindosa, Colombian Amazon
March 21: Lecture by Holly Pittman
Recent Research at the Site of Lagash (Tell al-Hiba) in Southern Iraq
April 27: Lecture by Emilia Oddo
In Case Of Emergency, Break Pots: Use And Function Of Marine Style Pottery In Minoan Crete
2021–2022 Lecture Series
September 22: Lecture by Donald C. Haggis
The Archaeology of Urbanization: Social Practices and Cultural Production at the Archaic Site of Azoria in Eastern Crete
October 17: Lecture by Philipp W. Stockhammer
Family, Food and Health in the Bronze Age Aegean: Novel Bioarchaeological Insights into Mycenaean and Minoan Societies
November 8: Lecture by Andrew Finegold
Vitality Materialized: On the Piercing and Adornment of the Body in Mesoamerica
February 8: Lecture by J. David Schloen
Phoenicians, East and West: Revealing a Lost Mediterranean Civilization through Archaeological Research from the Levant to Spain
March 10: Lecture by Michael Dietler
Humans and Alcohol: The Archaeology of a Deeply Entangled Relationship
April 23: Lecture by Renee Friedman
From Predynastic Reality to Dynastic Imagery: The Language of Animals at Hierakopolis, Egypt
2020–2021 Lecture Series
September 21: Lecture by John North Hopkins
Decapitated: Reassembling the Biographies
of Ancient Mediterranean Objects
October 17: Lecture by Mark Lehner
The People Who Built The Pyramids – How We Know
November 12: Ira Haupt II Lecture by Steven Ellis
The Social, Economic, and Commercial Networks of Punic-Roman Tharros: New Questions and New Excavations for A Major Port Town in Sardinia
December 7: Lecture by Sheldon Skaggs
Weird Science: How Chemistry and Physics Has Led to Understanding Ancient Peoples
January 26: Lecture by Andrew M. T. Moore
Climate Change and Migrating Farmers: The Spread of Agriculture to Southern Europe
February 23: Lecture by Elizabeth Greene
Exchange in the Age of Lyric Poetry: The 6th-century BCE Shipwreck at Pabuç Burnu, Turkey
March 16: Lecture by Megan Cifarelli
Life and Death at the Edge of Great Empires: Cultural Interaction at Hasanlu, Iran
April 7: Lecture by Kenneth Seligson
Burning Rings of Fire: Ancient Maya Resource Conservation Strategies
2019–2020 Lecture Series
September 9: Lecture by Laetitia La Follette
Archaeological Adventures: From Athens to Rome to Copenhagen
September 24: Lecture by Antonis Kotsonas
Crete, the Aegean, and the Near East in the Early 1st Millennium BCE
October 16: Lecture by Gordon Noble
The Picts – New Discoveries of the ‘Lost People of Europe’
November 13: Lecture by Amy Gansell
The Beauty and Power of Ancient Assyrian Queens at Nimrud (Iraq)
January 16: Lecture by Gretchen Meyers
Seeing is Believing: Communal Religion at the Sanctuary of Poggio Colla (Ancient Etruscans)
February 20: Lecture by Bernadette Cap
Ancient Maya Marketplaces: Hubs of Interaction and Integration
CANCELED – March 24: Lecture by John North Hopkins
Decapitated: Reassembling the Biographies of Ancient Mediterranean Objects
CANCELED – April 21: Lecture by Lisa Trever
Majesty, Myth, and Monsters in Moche Art of Ancient Peru
2018-2019 Lecture Series
September 20th: Lecture by C. Brian Rose
Troy and Gordion: The Historiography of Excavation at Two Legendary Sites in Anatolia
October 9th: Lecture by Liliana Leopardi
Collecting Magical Gems in the Early Modern Period
November 5th: Lecture by Virginia Miller
Skeletons, Skulls, and Bones in the Art of Chichén Itzá
January 28: Lecture by Fraser Neiman
Changes in Agriculture at Jefferson’s Home and Its Effect on Slavery: New Archaeological Discoveries
February 27: Lecture by Rita Wright
An Early State Revisited: The Indus Civilization
March 14: Lecture by Maryl B. Gensheimer
Discourses on Empire: Roman Baths Here, There, and Everywhere
April 1: Lecture by Terrence D’Altroy
The Cosmopolitics of Inka Imperial Rule
2017-2018 Lecture Series
September 18th: Lecture by Andrew Moore
Archaeology, Climate Change and Human Society, or How the Past Can Help Us Understand the Present
October 3rd: Lecture by Mark Lehner
New Discoveries from the Giza Plateau: The Lost Port City of the Pyramids
October 23rd: Lecture by Jason Ur
Spying on Antiquity: Declassified US Intelligence Satellite Imagery and Near Eastern Archaeology
November 15th: Lecture by Richard Hodges
Travels with an Archaeologist: Finding a Sense of Place
January 26th: Lecture by Francesco de Angelis
Behind the Scenes of the Imperial Court: Columbia’s Excavations at Hadrian’s Villa
February 8th: Lecture by Nathan Arrington
Greeks in the North: The Excavation and Survey of a Trading Port in Aegean Thrace
March 6th: Lecture by John Kantner
A Tale of Two Pilgrimage Centers: Chaco and Nasca
May 7th: Lecture by Laurie Rush
Ancient Pathways Across New York; The Indigenous People of the Eastern Great Lakes
2016-2017 Lecture Series
September 27th: Lecture by Peter Whiteley
Archaeology as Ethnology (and Vice Versa): Puebloan Variations
October 6th: Lecture by Ioannis Mylonopolos
Columbia University’s Excavation Project at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Onchestos, Boeotia
November 14th: Lecture by Laurie Rush
Saving the Past to Protect the Future; Heritage and Conflict
February 7th: Lecture by Peter B. de Menocal
How human history has been shaped by climate – the link between African climate change and human culture
March 20th: Lecture by Richard Buckley
Richard III, The King Under the Car Park: the story of the search for the burial place of England’s last Plantagenet king
April 26th: Lecture by Sarah Clayton
The End of Teotihuacan: Perspectives on Urban Life, Collapse, and Regeneration from beyond the Ancient Metropolis
May 4th: Lecture by Jennifer Udell
Hidden in Plain Sight: Three Attic Vases from the Century Association in New York
2015–2016 Lecture Series
September 28th: Lecture by Arnulf Hausleiter
Arabia at the crossroads of cultures: The oasis of Tayma
October 19th: Lecture by Erik Nielsen
Poggio Civitate
November 19th: Lecture by Michael Chazen
Wonderwerk Cave: Archaeology at the Edge of the Kalahari
February 4th: Lecture by Sebastian Heath
Narrative Approaches to Counting Roman Amphitheaters
March 21st: Lecture by Patricia McAnany
Maya Cultural Heritage: How Archaeologists and Indigenous Peoples Create and Conserve the Past
April 21st: Lecture by Michael Parker Pearson
Stonehenge: new research
May 5th: Lecture by Richard W. Hunter
The Pre-Park History and Archaeology of Central Park – Some Recent Discoveries
2014–2015 Lecture Series
September 29th: Lecture by Michael Seymour
The earliest excavations at Babylon
October 20th: Lecture by Mark Lehner
On the Waterfront at Giza: Workers’ Town and Pyramid Port – Latest Discoveries
November 12th: Lecture by Shara Bailey
Making sense of Neandertals: what we have learned from bones, teeth and genes
February 4th: Lecture by Kathryn Sampeck
How Chocolate Came to Be
March 3rd: Lecture by Ian Burrow
The Dutch across the River: The fortified village of Bergen, Jersey City
April 28th: Lecture by Drew Wilburn
Sorcery in the Soil: Finding Magic at Graeco-Roman Karanis in Egypt
May 14th: Lecture by Adam Watson
Sacred Birds of Pueblo Bonito and the Mesoamerican Connection: Evidence for Ritual Uses of Birds and Long Distance Exchange at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (AD 800–1200)
2013–2014 Lecture Series
September 24th: Lecture by Alex Bauer
Landscapes and Seascapes of the ancient Black Sea: the first and next 15 years of the Sinop Regional Archaeological Project
October 8th: Lecture by Lorenzo D’Alfonso
The Forgotten Kingdom of Tuwana in Central Anatolia
November 14th: Lecture by Jennifer Campbell
Mughal Caravanserais: Anchoring Landscapes of Identity, Exchange, and Power in Northern South Asia
January 27th: Lecture by Alyssa Loorya
Re-discovering South Street Seaport – New York City’s Relationship with Water
February 3rd: Lecture by Patrick Hunt
Seven Aztec and Inca Plants that Changed the World: Maize, Tomato, Chocolate, Potato, Coca, Quinoa, Cinchona
March 6th: Lecture by Hrvoje Potrebica
Women in the Iron Age – weavers of destiny (central Europe)
April 3rd: Lecture by Zoe Crossland
Preserving Memory from Oblivion: The Archaeology of Death and Burial in Post-medieval Britain
May 22nd: Lecture by Pamela Crabtree
State Formation in Anglo-Saxon England