2022 AIA-NYS Research Scholarship Recipient (Cohort III)

Illyamani Castro (NYU)

Migration runs through my family, and my desire to know more about long-lost or deceased family members expanded into learning about our cultural heritage and history. I’ve done research on the history of human and animal migration in the Andes, specifically the Qhapaq Ñan (Inca road) and the tambos lined alongside it. With NYU in December of 2021, I completed my Bachelors cum laude in Anthropology with a concentration in Native American Studies, and I am currently attending University of Florida for a Masters in Latin American Studies with a concentration in Indigenous studies. As an archaeologist, I have worked on various sites in Ecuador and Peru, focusing on human and animal remains, cistas, as well as ceramics and pigments. This past summer I worked on two sites around Huari, Peru, one called Ampas with Bebel Ibarra and the other Reparin with Dr. Jason Nesbitt, both in connection to Tulane University.

☞ Read about Illyamani’s work in the September 2022 issue of the AIA-New York Society Newsletter.