2014–2015 Lecture Series

September 29th: Lecture by Michael Seymour
The earliest excavations at Babylon

October 20th: Lecture by Mark Lehner
On the Waterfront at Giza: Workers’ Town and Pyramid Port – Latest Discoveries

November 12th: Lecture by Shara Bailey
Making sense of Neandertals: what we have learned from bones, teeth and genes

February 4th: Lecture by Kathryn Sampeck
How Chocolate Came to Be

March 3rd: Lecture by Ian Burrow
The Dutch across the River: The fortified village of Bergen, Jersey City

April 28th: Lecture by Drew Wilburn
Sorcery in the Soil: Finding Magic at Graeco-Roman Karanis in Egypt

May 14th: Lecture by Adam Watson
Sacred Birds of Pueblo Bonito and the Mesoamerican Connection: Evidence for Ritual Uses of Birds and Long Distance Exchange at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (AD 800–1200)